The city of the bike

Zaragoza hosts an event around bicycles that places it, even more, as one of the most bike-friendly cities in our country.

En Bikefriendly We are firm defenders of urban development and sustainable mobility policies associated, of course, with the daily use of the bicycle as a means of transportation. AND Zaragoza It has become one of the best examples in recent years. Proof of this is the great event organized from 27 to April 30 around the bike.

"Saragossa. The city of the bike" It is an event open to several fronts and composed of three events: the I International Forum “Zaragoza is a Bike”, XIV Iberian Congress “The Bicycle and the City” and II Urban Festival “Cycling Cultures”. Presentations, debates, competitions, exhibitions, concerts... and bicycles, many bicycles, to vindicate the decisive role of this means of transport in the immediate future of cities, as an instrument to turn them into more habitable and humanized places. The activities, programmed in different spaces in the city will be open to the participation of different audiences, whether they are cyclists or not. The objective is to 'win the streets on pedals', showing the diversity of the 'peloton' of bicycle users and promoting exchanges of international knowledge and experiences around the bike.

In fact, the programming of the events is conceived from a fundamentally cycling point of view: When establishing venues, schedules, accommodations... the accessibility, agility and comfort of those who travel by bike has been taken into account.. Because this is the best way to get around the capital city and enjoy the event.Zaragoza is part of that increasingly large group of cities that are strongly committed to cycling as a form of urban travel. The combination of a long-standing cycling tradition and outstanding public activity, together with a determined municipal drive, has led to important actions to promote cycling. The citizen response, which is ultimately the true measuring stick when it comes to giving continuity to the plans, has been and is evident. You just have to take a walk around the city to see it.

And, Despite the mistakes that are still made when developing urban mobility plans associated with bicycles, it seems that our cities are increasingly trending towards that desired model that can be seen in numerous parts of the European continent., and that have more than demonstrated their effectiveness. Since Bikefriendlyas consultancy specialized in cycle tourism and urban mobility, we cannot but congratulate ourselves that these types of initiatives are going forward, which also serve as an example for other cities, provinces or autonomous communities that want to bet on the bicycle as a tool for the sustainable development of their populations, but do not dare to give the definitive step.

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Some of our trips

Tour of Girona in five stages
Tourmalet, Aspin, Paiheres, Peyresourde, ...
Stelvio, Mortirolo, Gavia, ... the dream in a single trip

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