WeeRide child seat assembly for bicycle

The twins are 10 months old... more than enough age for them to learn what it is to ride a bike... hehehe

After a long wait, the time has come. The dwarfs already sit up and hold their heads up without problems. It's time to get them on the bike... in this case their father's, of course. And the chair chosen for his first rides on two wheels has been the WeeRide Safe Front Deluxe.

The truth is that before becoming parents we had already had our eye on this type of chairs. We are much more attracted to the idea that children enjoy the landscape, seeing the same thing that you see, unlike rear seats, where the position only allows the little one to enjoy your back... and what follows, apart from the traditional side view of course. Additionally, with rear-facing seats you do not visually control children in the same way, nor can you communicate with them effectively and comfortably.

Despite having a wide distribution in Spain, both in bicycle and baby goods stores, we chose to order it online through their website, and the truth is that two days later we had it at home. Fast and easy. Perfectly packed in its box and with each piece perfectly protected. There was also a complete assembly instruction book in various languages, including Spanish.. Likewise, the only two tools necessary to assemble the WeeRide, a fixed wrench and an allen wrench are also included. So after checking that we have everything we need, just follow the instructions step by step and have a little common sense to mount the seat on your bike. First the rear clamp on the seat post, then the front one on the frame head tube, joining the beams in the center. At this point we must specify that the WeeRide adapts to practically all types of bicycles, except road ones, so you will have to leave doing the Indurain with the dwarf for when he can carry his own 'skinny'.

We have only encountered a small moment of crisis and/or confusion, and that is that the front clamp, located in the direction of the bike, did not close because the screws were short... until we realized that it came in a small bag another set of longer screws, for 'oversized' headsets (come on, for most of the current MTBs).

Once the scare is over, and the main beam is mounted between the steering tube and the seat post, slightly inclined towards the latter, it is enough to anchor the chair on it, screw it in and place the safety strap, before going out to ride with the WeeRide. Important: Check that you can continue turning the handlebars with sufficient width and safety.

And now, to wait for the sun to rise a little to take the little ones out for their first bike ride around the neighborhood... we can't wait to see their faces. I'll tell you...Author: Víctor Marcos, Communication and RRSS Bikefriendly

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