The athlete's diet in quarantine: less carbohydrates and more proteins

What foods should be avoided during the sports break? Is there any diet that helps the athlete not to lose muscle mass during quarantine? Are there foods that help us fight against temptation to go to the refrigerator all the time? The dietitian and sports nutritionist Ignacio Lillo Monforte answers all our doubts.

Objective of the athlete's diet: avoid gaining weight and losing muscle mass during quarantine

During the first days of quarantine, all the memes circulating around focused on the disappearance of toilet paper from supermarkets. But few people talked about a more worrying phenomenon: the hallways of the chips They were devastated.

People started shopping thinking about the downtime they would have to spend en casa and the shopping carts were filled with snacks and all kinds of unhealthy snack products.

Danger: more meals a day!

All this, added to the fact that the quarantine forces us to considerably reduce or modify the routines of physical activity, led experts to estimate that The population would gain between 3 and 5 kilos on average during the first 15 days of quarantine. And now we also know that it will not be two weeks... but four (at least).

Some dietary changes will help avoid the temptation of going to the refrigerator during quarantine

The problem lies not only in the abundance of chips and buns in our pantries. But it's too easy go from eating between 3 and 5 times a day to doing it twenty times. We are too close to the kitchen and the refrigerator and that is a tough battle to win for people not used to working at home.

Even more so at a time when the moments of anxiety: The stress of not being fired from work is added to the fact that we have to complete our work day while trying to keep the children entertained and the news of what is happening outside keeps getting worse.

The binge moment

Ignacio Lillo Monforte, dietician and nutritionist specialized in the sports world, confirms that he is receiving more calls than ever from patients who are not knowing how to control the dreaded “binge moment".

“While at home, they go straight to the refrigerator to kill anxiety and in search of that 'immediate pleasure,'" he says worriedly.

I am receiving more calls than ever from patients who are not knowing how to control the dreaded 'binge moment'

Ignacio Lillo Monforte, dietician and sports nutritionist

A phenomenon that worsens in athletes

A phenomenon of which Athletes, both professional and amateur, can be easy victims.

“The climate totally favors it. Sport is a adaptogen with which a lot of adrenaline is released, many endorphins and an antioxidant effect. For many people it serves as exhaust valve facing that day-to-day anxiety. And also how distraction: If they go straight from work to spinning classes, many avoid snacks and go straight home to dinner. It is not uncommon for patients to tell me that 'the bad ones' are the afternoons spent at home".

In fact, it is possible that patients who were less active before quarantine did not see this phenomenon as aggravated compared to those who practiced more sports outside the home.

Solutions for a healthy diet during quarantine

Opt for satiating foods

For this reason, Lillo emphasizes the need to reduce carbohydrate consumption e increase the consumption of other more satiating foods: vegetables, those rich in protein and healthy fats (only as a dressing).

“They are the three most satiating types of foods. In fact, vegetables, by providing a lot fiber, they are very slow digestion and they help us avoid those moments of binge eating.”

Avoid carbohydrates

Just the opposite of hydrates, which are pure gasoline and that's why They are not very satiating, they are digested very quickly and generate hunger immediately. Right now, at home and in quarantine “better to avoid them”.

And the fact is that, for those who follow a diet based on carbohydrates and low in proteins these days, it will be normal for “the animal inside” to come out at snack time and destroy the refrigerator.

It is advisable to avoid carbohydrates during quarantine

more protein

These tips become even more relevant for athletes: the body needs protein for the proper functioning of the body and, if we do not eat what we need these days, it will take it out of our muscles (mainly arms and legs) so our loss of muscle mass during quarantine. “To maintain muscle mass, you must increase the proportion of proteins".

“What is happening to us It is similar to an injury case. In these cases, the athlete you will always lose some competition rhythm But we have to try to ensure that he loses the minimum muscle mass possible so that, when he starts riding again, it will be less difficult for him to pick up the pace again.”

For this, Lillo recommends consuming at least 1,5 grams of protein per kilo of weight during the quarantine days.

Sports nutrition, macronutrients, proteins

For this, we must take into account the proportion of protein that each food has, since in a meat or fish fillet it is barely 20%. so that By eating 150 grams of meat we will be ingesting only 30 grams of protein. So it's time to do the math.

Breakfasts and more protein meals

For this reason, Lillo recommends doing the protein type breakfasts. That is to say: “una tortilla, a fried egg accompanied by avocado or some mushrooms plus a kiwi... There are also people who turn to dairy products: two natural yogurts with a handful of chia, walnuts and a kiwi “It would be perfect too.”

For mealtime, insist on using the three types of satiating foods that we have already mentioned. Without ever forgetting protein.

Snacks and dinners

If boredom or hunger still takes over at snack time, we have two options. If we have time to have a snack at a good time and sit down to eat something healthy, go ahead.

If not, Lillo proposes advance dinner hours these daysa. Spend time preparing it and have a good dinner, even if it is at eight in the afternoon.

"Cooking makes you eat healthier. It makes you more excited because it is yours and while you cook you snack, yes, but with the healthy ingredients you are using (some tuna, mushrooms, etc.) instead of eating Doritos while a pre-cooked pizza is being made in the oven.”

This nutritionist posts ideas for healthy recipes to make as a family every day on his Instagram account. We leave you the link because you will surely find some inspiration there.

The amount of carbohydrates, depending on the somatotype

When talking about hydrates, Lillo distinguishes between the three somatotypes of people (and athletes).

The ectomorphs They would be the skinny ones who find it difficult to gain muscle but, at the same time, do not usually gain weight. In their case, they should maintain the optimal protein level but for them it is less important to reduce carbohydrates.

The mesomorphs and endomorphs, However, it is much easier for them to develop good muscles but, as soon as they stop, they gain fat more quickly

The latter, in addition to maintaining the protein level, must reduce carbohydrates. “In times of break, injury or quarantine, there is plenty of carbohydrates contained in the vegetables and fruit themselves”, points out the nutritionist.

“In times of break, injury or quarantine, there is plenty of carbohydrates contained in the vegetables and fruit themselves”

Ignacio Lillo Monforte, dietician and sports nutritionist

What if I continue training... but differently?

If you are lucky enough to have a trainer and are training something, the best is that you put the hydrates in peri-workout, which is either right before or right after doing the exercise. This way you will train with more quality.

However, on the day you go to rest, some green beans and meat would make up a perfect menu to eat.

Amount of carbohydrates depending on exercise

Although these days there are many people following Live classes through Instagram or YouTube videos, The truth is that they are usually strength, abdominal or full body routines. Well it is much more difficult to do long cardio sessions indoors.

“When you are going to practice cardio sports in sessions of between 60 or 90 minutes, some are recommended 7 grams of carbohydrates per kilo of weight a day, while for these strength sports What are people doing now, just between 3 and 4 grams of carbohydrates of carbon per kilo,” says Lillo.

"In fact, if you easily gain weight, with 3 grams of carbohydrates per kilo left over and if you are not doing sports right now, it is best to go down to two grams of carbohydrates per kilo.”

Snacking, hanging out... does fruit count?

Fruits like Grapes, bananas or figs have up to 30% sugars which, after all, are still hydrates. Therefore, overweight people are recommended Better consume others such as strawberries, raspberries, blackberries or blueberries, which barely have between 5 and 10% sugar.

“These days of break, perhaps it is more interesting to have a yogurt with strawberries or blueberries than a juice of three oranges”

Ignacio Lillo, dietician and nutritionist

The most common fruits, such as orange, apple or pear They have around 15% sugar. Therefore, perhaps these days of hiatus are more interesting to have a yogurt with strawberries or with blueberries than a juice of three oranges. Or opt for a smoothie e incorporate some vegetables to lower the sugar level of our smoothies.

Any questions? We leave you a summary infographic.

And if you want to contact this nutritionist yourself to ask for a study of your specific case or a diet adapted to your needs, you can write to the email address, through its Instagram account or on the 625 05 17 93 phone.

Infographic of the appropriate diet for athletes in quarantine times

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