Pedaling by sensation versus pedaling with a heart rate monitor

Pedaling by sensation versus pedaling with a heart rate monitorEnjoy cycling

Some days ago I met a good friend pedaling through the roads of Huesca. He had lost track of her since he went to live in Barcelona for a few years, so we take the opportunity to catch up and we talked about everything a little: family, work, solving the country and, of course, our common passion, which is cycling.

He was competing in amateurs, then he moved to duathlon and then triathlon. He told me that I haven't touched my bike for ten years. and he was surprised when I told him that I had not stopped riding for twenty years – it is clear that not daily because daily responsibilities prevent me from doing so, but always taking hours where there are none to pedal...

Asked the reason for his abandonment for so many years: were you injured? work?

- "no no…I ended up burned! I realize that so much training and so much sacrifice are of no use. And why haven't you left it?

-"Scabies with pleasure does not itch"

And the thing stayed there, but when I got home I started thinking about his question.


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