Pedaling through Girona, land of Dalí

Tour of Girona in five stages

bike type



6 days



Distance and slope

429 km / +5.080 m

Trip Summary

Cyclists from all over the world turn their eyes to Gerona and the Costa Brava. With its stunning landscapes and winding roads, this region offers an unrivaled cycling experience.

What are you waiting for to come?

Begur, Calella de Palafruguell, Tossa de Mar, L'Escala, Roses, Cadaqués,... We will discover these and many other beautiful towns in the interior and on the coast, riding our bike, where we will stop to have a coffee, eat or just enjoy them

Date and availability

September 24-29, 2024
To measure
For closed groups

Get the Bikefriendly Club and get a 10% off automatically for this trip.

Trip description

Girona It is a training ground for the international half platoon. It would be Lece Armstrong and his team who would show the rest of the international cyclists the advantages of this territory. After them, other teams and fans would arrive to travel its roads and taste the wonderful Catalan cuisine.

Girona, with its famous old town, is a place not to be missed. Its cobblestone streets and colorful houses along the Onyar River create a magical atmosphere. Within the Força Vella, one of the most emblematic spaces is the Jewish Quarter, one of the best preserved in the world.

Platja D'Aro welcomes you with its golden sand beaches and lively nightlife. But it's on the roads surrounding the city where the magic for cyclists really lies. Gently curving coastal roads take you past steep cliffs and hidden coves, offering you spectacular views at every turn.

Continuing towards the north, we will reach Roses y Cadaqués, charming fishing villages situated in a picturesque bay. The surrounding roads take you through varied landscapes, from vineyard-covered hills to hidden coves with crystal-clear waters.

La gastronomy The Costa Brava is as diverse as its landscapes. Try traditional Catalan dishes such as fideuá, suquet de peix, feast on fresh seafood straight from the Mediterranean. From grilled prawns to grilled fish, the local cuisine here is simply delicious.

All this experience accompanied during all the routes by a support vehicle with mechanical support, which will provide us with solid and liquid supplies, and the possibility of changing clothes after the ascents.

In short, a cycling trip through Girona in May is an experience that no cyclist should miss. With its stunning landscapes, winding roads and delicious local cuisine, an unforgettable trip awaits you. Get ready to pedal, explore and enjoy everything this beautiful region has to offer!

Girona 1


Arrival and welcome dinner

Arrival of the cyclists to the beautiful city of Gerona.

19:30 p.m. We will meet at the hotel to carry out the Welcome briefing. There we will all get to know each other and we will explain the different routes of the trip.

21:00 p.m. Dinner at the hotel


84,5 km


+ 830m

Girona - Girona

8:00 a.m. breakfast

Departure to the reservoir Banyoles, where we can stop for a drink, and even go around it by road.

You will have the possibility of extending the route by 22 km, with the ascent to rocacorba, port with 10% sections

21:00 p.m. dinner at the hotel


75 km


+ 1.380m

Girona - Platja D´Aro

8:00 a.m. breakfast

In this second stage we will head towards the coast, where we will find the only stop of the day, the small port of Can Noguera.

The last 30 km of the route from Tossa de Mar, are along a beautiful coastal road with small ramps that make the route harder.

21:00 p.m. dinner at the hotel


98,6 km


+ 680m

Platja D´Aro - Roses

8:00 a.m. breakfast

The third stage will take us to blondes on secondary roads. Visiting beautiful coastal towns like Callella de Palafrugell, Begur, L´Escala, …

21:00 p.m. dinner at the hotel


73,9 km


+ 1.370m

Roses - Roses

8:00 a.m. breakfast

A day that takes us to the heart of Natural Park of Cap de Creus. Discovering its lighthouse and the picturesque town of Cadaqués, Dalí's summer resort.

Once we arrive at Port de la Selva, we will have the option of continuing through Llançà and finishing the route by flattening through the Alt Empordà, or hardening it by visiting the monastery of Sant Pere de Rodes, with its 8km +520 m elevation gain.

21:00 p.m. dinner at the hotel


96,9 km



Roses - Girona

8:00 a.m. breakfast

Last day of the route, back to Girona along roads and inland towns, touring a lesser-known Catalonia but more magical and silent than the more popular Costa Brava.

Included services


Accommodations in a shared room. Possibility of choosing an extra single room.

Half pension

Breakfast and dinner at the hotel.


Welcome briefing to explain the trip and answer questions.

Route itinerary

Tracks of the stages, so you can load them on your GPS device or App that you normally use.

Support vehicle

Luggage transfer, mechanical service and the possibility of changing clothes or getting into the vehicle during the route.

Refreshments en route

Solid and liquid supplies during the routes.

Shower after finishing

On the last day you can shower before returning home.


Travel assistance insurance.

Luggage transfer

Luggage transfer between accommodations.

Souvenir jersey

Souvenir jersey, for reservations made before the last 40 days.

Not included

Not included

Any service not detailed in the Included Services section.

Arrival at the meeting point and return home

Arrival at the meeting point at the hotel in Girona and return home at the end of the trip again in Girona.

Beverages, except water

All drinks at lunch and dinner, except water.

Additional to hire

Supplement for single occupancy room

If you prefer to sleep alone in the room, hire the supplement.

Cancellation insurance

If you think that something unforeseen may arise... you can take out cancellation insurance.

Bike rental

If you need a rental bike, ask us, we can help you arrange it with a local company.

Non-cycling companion

Your companion will enjoy accommodation and half board.

Extra night at the end of the trip

If you want to stay one more night before returning home, you can hire it.

*Check our cancellation policy.



I have allergies or intolerances. Can you adapt the menus?
Yes, of course, at the end of the reservation, we will contact you and send you a form with some relevant questions: contact in case of emergency, allergies and intolerances, medical problems... The menus and supplies will always be adapted to your needs.
The best thing is that you always carry what you are used to taking: your salts, your bars... To avoid any downturn and so that you can eat and drink on the route whenever you need it. The refreshment stations will be marked at specific points and there you can eat, refill the bottle, have a soft drink, fruit...
As it is a self-guided trip, we will send the route tracks so that you can load them on your GPS device, or App that you use. Normally they ride in groups to the foot of the passes, where everyone ascends at their own pace. At the aid stations and stops, they regroup again.
You sign up for a trip where most of you don't know each other. We will propose a room layout to share with another person, but you are free to modify it.
Normally he is close to the last ones, but he must also attend to possible breakdowns and to the first ones when they reach the heights, so that they can warm up or change their clothes.

Do you have any doubt? Ask us!

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