Smart cycling cities

  • Entry Category:URBAN

More bikes, more health and a higher quality of life for everyone. Cities around the world must work under this premise. Reflect, share and carry out new or revised urban development models that encourage the use of bicycles.

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Sant Boi presents its Urban Bike Strategy at Mobility Week

  • Entry Category:SEO

The Sant Boi de Llobregat City Council has developed, in collaboration with Bikefriendly Consulting, its Urban Bicycle Strategy, which was created with the aim of contributing to the sustainable development of the city, turning Sant Boi into a 'bike-friendly' town. and making this vehicle an essential element in your daily life.

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The urban bicycle strategy

  • Entry Category:URBAN

We are facing a global environmental crisis and forecasts estimate that by 2050, close to 70% of the world's population will live in urban environments. It is more necessary than ever to transform the current and outdated model of a city focused on satisfying the needs of the car to that of a city designed by and for people, with the bike as a priority means of urban transport.

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‘Laboratorio Q-Life’ launches successfully and lays the foundations for future editions

  • Entry Category:SEO

This innovative forum for debate and reflection, organized by Bikefriendly Consulting, in collaboration with the Provincial Tourism Board of Huesca and the Jaca City Council, and held at the Congress Palace of this city on June 28 and 29, has brought together some of the best experts in the national field of innovation applied to policies to improve the quality of life of citizens.

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Bikefriendly Consulting organizes the first edition of the 'Q-Life Laboratory'

  • Entry Category:SEO

The first edition of the 'Q-Life Laboratory' is approaching, which will take place on June 28 and 29 in Jaca (Huesca). The objective of each work session is to create and strengthen a permanent space for reflection on current policies and co-creation of future policies aimed at improving the quality of life of citizens through actions related to the 'health' dimension, from the point of view of local administrations.

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The history of Madrid, by bike

  • Entry Category:URBAN

Lorenzo Gallardo and David Botello, both riding (on a bike), riding both (on another bike), link the different points of interest in the capital's neighborhoods (monuments, parks, unique buildings...) by pedaling. Pure sustainable urban transportation that fits perfectly with the casual tone of the program, the presenters and the very diverse guests.

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How to avoid a bird when cycling

  • Entry Category:SEO

How many and how many suffer the result of a march for not having adequate nutrition and hydration. And the man with the gavel is not like the postman who calls twice, the first one shows up without warning. Furthermore, we do not learn and we tend to stumble twice over the same stone even though we know that we have to pour gasoline on our bodies.

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Hypopressives in cycling

  • Entry Category:SEO

Maintaining an optimal state of health depends on different variables, such as diet, exercise or even emotional and physiological stress. Breathing and exercise, together with diet, are two related factors that we must take into account if we want to balance our health.

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April, cyclists and thousand bananas

  • Entry Category:SEO

The strategy to achieve a global community of happy cyclists all year round is based on habit, on daily practice. During the 30 days of April you accept the commitment to use the bicycle, at least for a little while, and make friends around it. The participation of local groups and activists is essential. The promoter of this movement in Spain comes from Gijón and his name is Carlos Rodríguez.

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How to burn calories on a bike

  • Entry Category:SEO

An apt slogan from an old stationary bicycle brand stated that “whoever moves his legs moves his heart.” Real as life itself, riding a bike will not only make burning calories easy and fun, it will also make your entire cardiovascular system undergo important work, having to feed muscles eager for oxygen and nutrients.

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Know your bike rental options in the city

  • Entry Category:SEO

It doesn't take a genius to realize that bicycles are a growing trend in the big cities of our country. Whether for simple fashion or posturing, for imitation (welcome...) of what has happened in the rest of Europe over the last few years, or as an efficient (and ecological) solution to mobility problems in the city, Urban cycling is a palpable reality.

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Processed meat is carcinogenic to humans. And now, what do we eat?

  • Entry Category:SEO

The recent news about the WHO declaration regarding the consumption of red meat and processed meat has caused a stir in the population. It seems that hearing so strongly that excessive meat consumption can be harmful to health (so much so that it is a possible cause of some cancers, such as colorectal cancer) has set off alarm bells.

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Pedaling by sensation versus pedaling with a heart rate monitor

Pedaling by sensation versus pedaling with a heart rate monitorEnjoy cycling

Some days ago I met a good friend pedaling through the roads of Huesca. He had lost track of her since he went to live in Barcelona for a few years, so we take the opportunity to catch up and we talked about everything a little: family, work, solving the country and, of course, our common passion, which is cycling.

He was competing in amateurs, then he moved to duathlon and then triathlon. He told me that I haven't touched my bike for ten years. and he was surprised when I told him that I had not stopped riding for twenty years – it is clear that not daily because daily responsibilities prevent me from doing so, but always taking hours where there are none to pedal...

Asked the reason for his abandonment for so many years: were you injured? work?

- "no no…I ended up burned! I realize that so much training and so much sacrifice are of no use. And why haven't you left it?

-"Scabies with pleasure does not itch"

And the thing stayed there, but when I got home I started thinking about his question.


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Discover the incredible bike routes through Andalusia

  • Entry Category:DESTINATIONS

Discover the incredible bike routes through Andalusiabike routes through Andalusia

Discuss Andalusia is talking about sun and beach, but Andalusia is really much more and specifically Antequera is different, having the city of Malaga one hour away, we are facing an inland city that It gives us a multitude of kilometers to do bike routes, both with mountain bike and road riding.

Antequera it is found in a geographic enclave strategic, being located in the center of Andalusia, where the main communication routes of the community converge. The city is located 45 km from Malaga and 115 km from Córdoba, cities with which it is connected by high-speed train.

This beautiful area offers us a huge range of possibilities to plan our preseason training, or ride long distances with significant slopes in the event that the season is already advanced.


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The benefits of cycling: much more than a sport

Cycling is not just a sport, it is the ideal way to stay healthy. However, you don't have to Bicycling just for your health. Going out by bike is a fun exercise that can be practiced with more people and that allows us to go sightseeing, stay in shape, combat stress and, why not, feel happier.

Furthermore, it is a cool activity for practically all ages. Here we leave you some of the benefits of riding a bike so you can see how healthy it can be.

The benefits of riding a bicycle
The benefits of riding a bicycle (Fotolia)


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