Our tragedy of every day

  • Entry Category:TRAVEL

Today is one of those days when it is difficult to get going, turn on the computer, get to work or get on the bike. Because today we woke up, once again, to the tragic news that a cyclist has been hit by a vehicle in the hands of a driver who has tested positive for alcohol and drugs. And the cyclist, finally, has died.

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Cycling tours… or cycling sports?

  • Entry Category:SEO

Cycling is a sport on the rise. More and more of us are practicing some form of this wonderful sport. And, it is clear, when you have been hitting the pedals for a while and feel how your performance improves, you want to try yourself in events of various kinds. So far everything is perfect, as there is a wide calendar of pure competitions for each category, from the youngest to the Master 60.

Continue readingCycling tours… or cycling sports?