How to burn calories on a bike

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An apt slogan from an old stationary bicycle brand stated that “whoever moves his legs moves his heart.” Real as life itself, riding a bike will not only make burning calories easy and fun, it will also make your entire cardiovascular system undergo important work, having to feed muscles eager for oxygen and nutrients.

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The first trip… (after birth): the moment you travel with your family has to wait

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Let's be honest. Not even in my wildest dreams could I imagine that before Marcos and Lucas were one month old I would be able to get on the bike again... and go pedaling beyond the storage room. Well yes, I have achieved it! And improving the already optimistic forecasts that I mentioned in the previous post! So now you know, first-time cyclist parents, “yes we can (ride our bicycles)”.

Continue readingThe first trip… (after birth): the moment you travel with your family has to wait