How to avoid a bird when cycling

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How many and how many suffer the result of a march for not having adequate nutrition and hydration. And the man with the gavel is not like the postman who calls twice, the first one shows up without warning. Furthermore, we do not learn and we tend to stumble twice over the same stone even though we know that we have to pour gasoline on our bodies.

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How to burn calories on a bike

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An apt slogan from an old stationary bicycle brand stated that “whoever moves his legs moves his heart.” Real as life itself, riding a bike will not only make burning calories easy and fun, it will also make your entire cardiovascular system undergo important work, having to feed muscles eager for oxygen and nutrients.

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Processed meat is carcinogenic to humans. And now, what do we eat?

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The recent news about the WHO declaration regarding the consumption of red meat and processed meat has caused a stir in the population. It seems that hearing so strongly that excessive meat consumption can be harmful to health (so much so that it is a possible cause of some cancers, such as colorectal cancer) has set off alarm bells.

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